Saturday, April 28, 2012

(lesson1 2/10 ) Keyboard Familiarization

Familiarization with the keyboard

Hello again readers! below is a picture of part of your keyboard

There are WHITE and BLACK KEYS on the piano keyboard (see picture)
The WHITE keys are named ABCDEFG --ok!-- Recite the letters of the musical Alphabet several times.

The BLACK KEYS are grouped in TWOS and THREES.(see picture)

C is found to the left of the two BLACK KEYS.(see picture)

The modern piano keyboard has 88 keys for seven (7) full octaves. In each octave, there are seven (7) white keys and five (5) black keys. Each key has a pitch name and a letter name. The pitch names and their corresponding letter names are:
Do - C           Fa - F            Si - B
Re - D           Sol - G
Mi - E           La - A

do not hesitate to contact us or post a comment  if you have any further questions  --Ok!---
Thank you again =D

(lesson1 1/10) The right sitting position

Sitting Positions

Hello readers! today we will discuss about how to achieve the proper piano sitting positions. Try to look the pictures below!.

wrong position

Correct position

Observe the following pointers:

first: Sit straight but in a relaxed position. see picture 2
second: Make sure shoulders are in a normal position.
third: Occupy only half of the bench when sitting in front of the M.C or middle C. 
fourth: For the adult student, rest both feet on the floor, a little forward for the right foot.
fifth: For children whose feet are too short to reach the floor, put feet on a high enough bench.

Thank you! hope it helps. Our next lesson is Keyboard familiarization